Location: Surrey,British Columbia,Canada

Ace Learning Centre is looking for an experienced Journeyman Welder to teach a certification course at our learning Centre in Surrey, BC.
The instructor should have Journeyman's Red Seal certification and a minimum trade experience of 5 years. The instructor must have at least 1 year of teaching experience.
The course will be taught twice a week in the evenings (3 hr sessions) for 8 weeks.
Students will be candidates who will be looking to challenge Welding Red Seal Exams.
A caring and supportive approach will be required by the instructor to ensure success to all students.
This position is contract based over the period of two months with a possibility to renew the contract for teaching more than one course of Apprenticeship Challenge exams. in Welding Trade.
Wage: $40-$60/hour (based on experience)
No phone calls please!

Posted: 12-03-2014
Salary: Wage: $40-$60/hour (based on experience)

NOTE: Never make payment to any employer, person, company, contractor or agency to get hired for a Job.

How to apply?

Only short listed candidates will be contacted by phone/ email � Location: Vancouver � britishcolumbiaSEND US A QUICK E-MAIL AT INFO@ACELEARNINGCENTRE.ORG

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