Gypsum Carpenters
Description: We urgently need Gypsum Carpenters for our on going projects in Dubai, walk-in interview 10:00AM - 2:00PM at Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al Ashram Blg. 3rd Flr. Office 13, Garhoud, Dubai, UAE (Newly established Interior Design Company-Amira Moroccan Traditional Decoration Work, LLC) Landmark- GGICO Metro Station/ Garhoud Atrium/ Fudrdruckers Restaurant.
Spelling and grammatical errors in your CV can have a very negative impact on potential employers. As well as running a spell check using your word processor, have a friend or relative proof read your CV for you. A fresh pair of eyes will often identify mistakes that you have missed. Finally, print your CV and go back to step 1: review your CV as if you were a potential employer to ensure that it is an effective marketing tool.
NOTE: Never make payment to any employer, person, company, contractor or agency to get hired for a Job.
Posted: 14-04-2020 Location: Dubai,United Arab Emirates
Posted: 05-08-2019 Location: Sydney,New South Wales,Australia
Posted: 11-01-2021 Location: Dubai,United Arab Emirates