We are in need of house driver Indian nationality only. salary -2200 free accommodation, transportation and free food.
We, DHR Group of Companies are approved by UAE and Nepal Governments as Human Resources Management Consultancies named Destiny One One & Human Resources Management Consultancies (Dubai) and Destiny Human Resources Nepal PVT. LTD (Nepal). We are internationally recognized as an Executive search and Selection Consultancy that acts on behalf of both parties. Our primary function is to secure the most suitable candidates and classify them into categories of professional, skilled, semi-skilled home decor ideas or unskilled workers. We are responsible for attracting candidates and matching them to temporary or permanent positions with our Client Companies from various Countries.
Interested applicant may send their cv at above mentioned email.
NOTE: Never make payment to any employer, person, company, contractor or agency to get hired for a Job.
Email to: cv@destiny-uae.com
Posted: 01-06-2014 Location: Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada